Last words – a Poem

2 min readAug 20, 2017

I am dying to tell you… What I really feel

The words are all there… I know them well

They poured out of a hole in some choked corner of my heart

Now they are crowding inside me

No longer abstract… No longer empty… Thirsting for form

Every pause in my sentence is loaded with them

Every sigh that escapes me carries them

The aborted words, wounded and hurting

They try to ooze out of my pores

They strain against my knuckles

They attempt to roll down in my tears

They push against the corners of my lips so hard that it hurts to smile… At you

I tried letting them out when it was safe,

For me.

In front of a mirror, in my solitude

I closed my eyes and thought of you

I said the words out loud and waited…

Till I ran out of all the imaginary responses you would give

Till I ran out of imagination

I felt hollow but I didn’t miss them.

It was futile.

The words came back as if they were tethered.

They couldn’t be conned.

The vacuum of silence guided them back to me.

Homing pigeons in a turbulent sky

Still wounded. Still hurting.

No image I conjured could hold a candle to what they were seeking.


They needed a home in you

They needed you to hear them

To take them to your heart

Or to cast them out of it.

They would rather die at your hands than be kept stifled inside me

My words were foolish but brave, than I would ever be…

So here they are.

With you and me.

They are dying to tell you… What I really feel

